The Institute is now offering individualized tutoring to support the International dental community preparing for dental school practical examinations.

Our Six Day tutoring session is structured to teach students how to perform basic yet ideal restorative dental procedures on a typodont. Our approach offers hands-on assistance to each student while they complete each step of the preparation. We focus on proper use of materials, proper positioning along with how to produce and evaluate the ideal function for each preparation. We utilize a blended style of teaching which involves short and direct lectures, a live demonstration (for each step) using loops with a point-of-view camera, and Hands on guidance through each assigned step.

Our primary goal at the Institute is to provide affordable education services to as many students seeking assistance during the CAAPID cycle. With that mission in mind, we are now offering condensed tutoring sessions. These sessions are limited and are meant to give students a foundation to continue practicing productively

These sessions will be taught by Ms. Meghan Cecelia Brown, the Institute’s primary operations director since 2014. She has studied restorative dentistry under the teaching methods of David Michael Duggan, DDS, PhD since 2009. She has work with Duggan every day and has supported over 5,000 International Dentist in this community.

When you are available and ready to join, email us for an application. admissions@dugganinstitute.com. Once we receive the application we can begin preparing for your class. We can only accept 6 students at one time. Class seats are limited, and they do fill quickly.